Covid-19 – Testing
If any of you encounter staffing problems because of staff self-isolating please remember pharmacy staff (and members of their households) are eligible for covid-19 testing at the national sites, and we are hoping to be able to access more local (CCG-run) sites as these come on-stream.
You will have been sent the details for the national testing sites to your premises shared mailbox on Saturday 18th April: We are not going to post details on our website as it is patient facing but please contact us or 01245 460079 if you have anyone off self-isolating who could benefit from testing.
It is available to the staff member if they are the one displaying symptoms OR to a member(s) of their household over the age of 5 if they are the person(s) with symptoms. They should have had symptoms for 3 days or less, be able to access the test site by car (either as driver or passenger) and have a mobile phone and email for results.