COVID-19 Quick Reference Information
Business Continuity Plans
- You should make sure at least one copy is available “off site” in case you can’t get in, and plan for everything up to the point of no staff available and having to close.
- You do not have to share these with any commissioners/service leads/practices. We are aware that some have asked for them, you just need to let them know that you have one!
- If you do have to close completely make sure you return prescriptions to the spine where possible: If things are looking like a closure is likely try and limit the number that you access from the spine so that you won’t have uncollected dispensed prescriptions in the pharmacy.
- Your staff cannot hand out prescriptions that have already been checked, or sell P medicines, if the pharmacist is not on the premises.
Regional/local health protection team
PHE East of England Health Protection Team, Second Floor Goodman House, Station approach Harlow, Essex, CM20 2ET;
Out of hours for health professionals only: phone 01603 481 221
– NHS Regional Pharmacist – Richard Seal
– NHS Local Pharmacy Network (LPN) chair – Jane Newman-
– Local Pharmaceutical Committee – Karen Samuel-Smith – or or 01245 460079
– Local NHS lead for commissioning
– Local NHS Incident Room –
– Local Infection Prevention and Control Team – Frances Bolger, Head of Infection Control and Prevention –