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Pharmacy Contraception Service Opt in via MYS by 29th February 2024, if you have previously delivered the Tier 1 service and are now ready to…
Anenta have requested pharmacies to complete a Pre-Acceptance Waste audit, which will be valid for either 12 months or five years from the date of…
Pharmacy Contraception Service Reminder From 1st December 2023, any pharmacies that had previously delivered the Tier 1 service but are now ready to provide the expanded…
Don’t miss the deadline……… the declaration window CLOSES at 11.59pm on 1st March 2024
Please see here for guidance on how to register for the Pharmacy Contraception Service and the current specification and Patient Group Directions (PGD).
World Mental Health Day (10 Oct) is a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s also a day to…
The Department of Health and Social Care has launched a consultation on the proposal to enable registered pharmacy technicians to supply and administer medicines under…
NHS England has launched a Newly Qualified Pharmacist pathway to support newly qualified pharmacists in their transition to independent practitioners. The pathway includes an e-Portfolio,…
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