Contract timeline 2019_2020


CPCF (including PQS) External training? LPC training and admin On-line training Co-dependencies

Briefing at LPC conference on 18th September ü

Resources for diabetes foot/eye check signposting (circulated 1.10.19) ü

Book CPPE for 21st January  if needed for safeguarding.

Consider options for health champion training including development as a centre, use of Suffolk LPC, online.

Identify providers of leadership training.

Karen and Ash to attend NHSE&I implementation workshops (16/30 Sept) ü

PSNC CPCS webinar (11 sept) ü

Gain expressions of interest/numbers for safeguarding, leadership and health champion training

Review HLP status

Review all recommended CPPE packages and centralise links on website.

Flu vaccine service commences (circulated 29.8.19) ü

AMR contractual public health campaign (circulated 23.8.19) ü

Deadline for Christmas/new year hours changes ü

Quarterly reports Provide. ü

Quarterly reports NMS/MUR.


Register for CPCS on Manage Your Service (details circulated since 2.9.19) ü.

Declarations for aspiration payments ( circulated 1.10.19) ü.

Commence diabetes foot/eye check signposting  ü.

CPCS training day (CPPE) County Hotel 20th October IC24 to support ü

Karen NHS resolution training 3 and 4 October.ü

Karen RSPH 8th October if decision to develop as a centre.

Contact all pharmacies that have not registered for transition payment


Recommend CPPE training and at least one audit this month

Stoptober contractual public health campaign. ü

Revalidation deadline for most. ü

November PCN meetings in each locality

Consider health champion training.

Consider leadership training if sufficient demand

Consider delivering health champion training if decision to develop as a centre. Broker health champion training if not.

PCN training sessions.

Commence use of NHS mailbox for all LPC communications


Recommend CPPE training and at least one audit this month Help Us Help You contractual public health campaign – details circulated.
December Contact any pharmacies that missed October transition payment. Consider CPPE training

Consider commencing DSP toolkit

Quarterly reports Provide

Quarterly reports NMS/MUR


Ensure full compliance with gateway criteria.

Update NHS website pages and DoS profile.

Diabetes eye and foot check signposting finishes

Safeguarding training 21st January 2020 if demand.


CPCF contractual development day 21st January 2020.

Dementia friendly environment checklist

PCN training sessions.

Any other CPPE training and remaining audit(s)

Alcohol public health contractual campaign.

Reminder DSP toolkit.


February Review point

Reminders for gateway and other submissions.

PCN training sessions.